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"Important Instructions"


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Here is the step by step instructions for updating your G2-3-4-9 engine monitor firmware to the latest software version.

To check software version number on your G Series engine monitor, reboot your engine monitor and during the reboot you will see "HOLD BUTTON TO PAUSE SCREEN" at the bottom of the screen, push and hold SEL knob to freeze splash screen so you can read the G Series information.

Make sure the new software update version number is greater than your current software version number.

If so then:

1- Download and save the new software file onto your computer (Remember where it is and copy file).

2- Power off avionics master, remove the SD card from your G2, G3, G4 or G9 engine monitor and connect your Insight SD card via card reader or slot reader to your computer.

3- On the SD Card browse to the folder called G3UPDATE on G2-3 SD Cards, G4UPDATE folder on all G4 SD Cards and G9UPDATE folder on G9 SD Cards.

4- Copy or paste the new software file into the G3UPDATE folder on G2-3 SD Cards, G4UPDATE folder on all G4 SD Cards and G9UPDATE folder on G9 SD Cards.

5- Safely remove SD card from the computer.

6- With the avionics master still off, insert the SD card in your G2, 3, 4 or G9.

7- Turn avionics master back on, your G Series engine monitor's software will update from its current version number to a new greater version number.

8- Your engine monitor will then reboot.

To re-check software version number on your G Series engine monitor, reboot your engine monitor and during the reboot you will see "HOLD BUTTON TO PAUSE SCREEN" at the bottom of the screen, push and hold SEL knob to freeze splash screen so you can read your G Series new updated information.


If you have done this correctly you should see this screen on your G Series monitor momentarily when it boots up.



How to Update Software Instructions